About the BOOK

About The Project

Honouring History & Inspiring the Future

In 2019, Suki Pangalia, CEO of AAJ Media Group, AAJ Media Group and volunteers like Karen Dosanjh, Reshma Mohammed, Gaitry Kaul, and many others established the AAJ Legacy Initiative to bring Untold Stories: The South Asian Pioneer Experience in BC to the broader community. This critical project has garnered the support of  The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada; The Honourable Harjit Singh Sajjan, Minister of National Defence; and The Honourable John Horgan, Premier of British Columbia. The stories in this publication were collected and published by AAJ Media Group amid the global COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Despite the school closures in BC this Spring, we at AAJ Media Group are fully committed to ensuring this important publication is distributed to BC schools in time for complete re-opening in the Fall of 2020. Untold Stories serves as an invaluable teaching tool for BC students and teachers alike who are in great need of South Asian historical content in their classrooms.


The South Asian Pioneer
Experience in BC

AAJ Legacy Initiative Team

Suki Pangalia
Publisher, Untold Stories

Karen Dosanjh
Editor, Untold Stories


Suki Pangalia
sukipangalia@yahoo.ca  | 604-590-0007
102-12889 84 Ave, Surrey BC, V3W 0K5

To schedule media interviews, or speaker engagements for groups following current COVID-19 protocols, please contact AAJ Media Group at 604.590.0007 or info@aajmag.ca